V60 Pour Over
The V60 dripper is an easy to use cone shaped pourover brewer designed to aid extraction for a delicious clean cup. Perfect for one cup for yourself, or more if you want some to share.
What you need:
- 19g Coffee
- 300ml Water (93°C)
- V60 (or similar) & Filter
- Scale
- Kettle (Gooseneck preferred)
Brew Instructions:
- Grind 19g Coffee (Medium / Fine)
- Heat water to 93 degrees Celsius
- Pre-rinse your filter paper and vessel to minimise thermal shock
- Pour your coffee into the V60
- Make 5 equal pours of 60g, every 30s
- Your final pour will be at 2mins
- Swirl slightly to ensure a flat bed
- Extraction time: approx 3:00 to 3:30
Pour and enjoy.
Useful Tips:
- Grind finer if the coffee tastes too acidic or the brew drained too quickly. Grind courser if it’s too bitter or the brew drained too slowly.
- For a stronger/heavier brew, add more coffee (+1g), or for a weaker/lighter brew, use less coffee (-1g).