The Chemex coffeemaker, makes perfect coffee. Clear, pure, flavorful and without bitterness or sediment every time.
What you need:
- 30g Coffee
- 480ml Water (93°C)
- Chemex & Filter
- Scale
- Kettle (Gooseneck preferred)
Brew Instructions:
- Grind your beans, boil your water.
- Put the paper filter into your chemex (3 folds towards the spout)
- Rinse filter with boiling water, dump the water.
- Add grounds, make a divot in the middle.
- Place on scale and zero it out.
- Add 60-90g water and stir to wet all the grounds, let it bloom.
- 0:45 Begin adding water in a circular motion, breaking up any clumps.
- Goal is 300g total water by 1:15
- Goal is 500g total by 1:45
- Use a spoon to give a good stir clockwise, and then another counter clockwise
- At 2:00 give the chemex a little swirl
- At 4:10 the drawdown is complete. toss filter, swirl your coffee
Pour and enjoy.
Useful Tips:
- Grind finer if the coffee tastes too acidic or the brew drained too quickly. Grind courser if it’s too bitter or the brew drained too slowly.
- For a stronger/heavier brew, add more coffee (+1g), or for a weaker/lighter brew, use less coffee (-1g).